Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A New Best Friend?

The discussion has been happening for sometime now between my girlfriend and I about getting a Saint Bernard. My girlfriend Amanda really wants to get a Saint Bernard but my views have been severely tainted by Hollywood. Are these dogs as gross as people are meant to believe? Please comment so i know what I'm getting into if I surprise her with one at Christmas time.

I have heard that the Saint Bernard is a very loyal and loving breed. The bad part about this is that they make you fall in love with them and then they pass away. Is it true that they have one of the shortest life spans out of any dogs?

What about the mess? Do they really drool buckets all around the house? Are they prone to making a tasty snack out of your DVD rack? And what about shedding? Alot of dog hair kinda makes me crazy and my closet is full of black clothes.

The main reason that I am considering a big dog like a Saint Bernard is because Amanda just lights up everytime she sees one. I love her with all my heart so I'm willing to learn to love a big messy dog if it makes her happy. I want to make sure that we aren't making any decisions that would be bad for the animal.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
a full-grown Saint Barnard can weight between 160 and 240 lb and his height is between 27½ inches and 35½ inches. They are a loving bread, no question about it, and you fall in love with them as you would for any dog that's yours. Talking from my own experience, it is very hard when they pass away, but look at it in another way...I would never change all the joy and fun I had with my dog because I knew some day she wouldn't be with me any more. St Bernards live 8-10 years; it's not the shortest life span as far as I know, six is. Life span of your dog really depends on how you take care of him. Some people don't take good care of their dogs, so a dog with a life span of 15 years gets to live only 10. They didn't do it on purpose, they didn't show enough interest. If you don't have an intention to breed your dog, castrate him because it will reduce the probability to get sick (cancer is very common). Also, give him a good training from the beginning and keep him physically healthy (which is very important if you keep him in the apartment). Think of him as you would think of yourself and you'll know what to do. They are very grateful beings.
Hope that helped! =)


Anonymous said...

Hello Chris

Before we got our first dog Chelsey; we did research for a dog based on size, low maintains, good with people and kids, good with other dogs, little exercise needed. Because off our life style, we know we wouldn’t have time to exercise the dog regularly, or do too much grooming, and we are very social people, so the dog needs to be good with people, dogs and kids. In the end we decided on a pug. So we got Chelsey, and she is the perfect dog for us. She fit into our life perfectly, and we love her. Then a year a half later, we got Chelsey a brother Bailey. They are great together. Bailey is also my little boy Dylan’s best friend. We love our dogs.
So I guess my advice is make sure a Saint Bernard’s need fit your life style. That will ensure a happy dog and you and your girl friend the happy dog owners

Giovanna Garcia

gracia54 said...

My daughter is a Veterinary Technician Assistant & in school to become a Veterinary Technician. She says that large dogs have shorter life span, 8-10 yrs old & that Saint Bernards do drool a lot.

Patricia Dean