Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Benefits of an Advanced Silver Product. Part 2.

After learning more about The New Silver Solution I have learned that is has helped in killing deadly disease and pathogens that I may have had in my body but was unaware of. I've also learned that it is able to effectively stop the growth of, and in fact, kill a large variety of potentially pathogenic bacteria. Dr. R. Leavitt, Professor of Molecular Biology and Microbiology at Brigham Young University, noted, "To date, there are no potentially pathogenic bacteria tested that (this) product has not killed."

- the following is a summary of pathogens on which the solution was tested: Boils, Bone Inflammation, Bowel Infection; Burn Infections, Dental Plaque, Diarrhea; Ear Infections; Eye Infections; Food Poisoning; Heart Valve Infection; Meningitis; Pheumonia; Respiratory Infections; Scarlet Fever; Septicemia; Sinus Infections; Sinusitis; Skins Infections; Strep Throat; Suppurative Arthritis (in children); Throat Infections; Tooth Decay; Urenthritis (men); Urinary Tract Infections; Vaginitis; Wound Infections; Staphylococcus Aureus and more…

- It has also shown remarkable effectiveness in the treatment of Abdominal Pain & Diarrhea; Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold Sores, Common Colds, Cuts and Wounds, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diaper and Other Rashes, Ear Aches, Eye Infections, Flu, Food Poisoning and Upset Stomach; Fungus Infections of the Feet, Hepatitis B & C, Inflammation of the Joints, Insect Bites, Laryngitis, Malaria, Mastitis, Molds, Periodontal Disease, Radiation Burns, Sinus Infection, Sore Throat, Sunburn, Thrush, Tonsillitis, Topical Use as Disinfectant, Tooth Decay and Pain, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Urinary Tract Infection, Vaginal Yeast Infection, Water Purification, General Well Being.

Most everyone is aware of the food poisoning epidemic spreading across North America and has even left many people dead from a pathogen known as Listeria Monocytogenes that came from tainted meat. The New Silver Solution kills this bacteria within a lab environment.

Click here to read a lab report proving that this solution has effectively killed Listeria Monocytogenes. Read part 3 for some more information.

This information was collected from The New Silver Solution-An Information Guide to Silver Solutions by Kenneth S. Friedman, Ph.D.

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