I want to make people aware of a new product that I have been using to treat a massive tooth infection. I have been patiently waiting to get in to see a specialist to fix the tooth but until that time I needed something to help with the pain and to stop the spread of infection.
What I found is a remarkable product that is a safe antimicrobial agent that has been proven to act against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts, and viruses. I have been using it in two different forms, a Bionic Mouthwash solution for internal use and a Bionic Dermal Gel for topical use. Both have been very effective in killing the bacterial infection in my mouth. What makes the product so effective is 100% pure elemental silver. But what is different than other silver products is the method in which it is made.
Firstly they take pure water and 100% pure silver and reduce the silver particle down to Nano size. This means that the silver is smaller than the water molecule. they then charge the silver with vast amounts of energy creating a frequency that is the same as the frequency of perfect health of a human body. This charge in the Nano size allows for the destruction of the DNA of any bacteria that does not resonate at that healthy frequency, preserving the good and killing the bad bacteria. So I've also learned that this New Silver Solution has done so much more for me on top of treating my tooth. So I started my research to learn more about what this does for people and what I've learned is that this future technology is changing people's lives and health as well leaving them with natural fresh breath. The Bionic Mouthwashis the first mouthwash that you actually swallow. The plague that killed 1/3 of the people in Europe was tested, and killed, within a lab environment in under two minutes with this solution. And it was tested at a dose 200 times more than what is needed to kill a human! So go ahead...swallow it...it won't kill you!
I have also learned that completed tests at the Department of Microbiology at Brigham Young University, Kansas State University, the University of Georgia, Nelson Laboratories and numerous hospital and medical laboratories have verified that The New Silver Solution is a highly effective bactericide. Tests at the University of California at Davis have shown the solution to be a potent anti-fungal. Tests at Viridis Biopharma and other labs have shown it to inhibit viruses.
The New Silver Solution is broadly Efficacious. It does not target specific mechanisms, receptor sites, or metabolic processes. For this reason it is unlikely that mutations of bacteria or viruses will produce resistant strains. this is particularily important given the rise of nosocomial (hospital generated) and iatrogenic (doctor generated) infections.
In addition to its anti-microbial properties, The New Silver Solution is a potent anti-inflammatory agent.
There is powerful evidence to the effect that the silver is an immuno-enhancer, that it improves the state of the body's immune system.
Like I stated before The New Silver Solution can be applied topically or taken internally. It can be used as a topical disinfectant. A more concentrated version of this solution has recently been approved by the EPA as a hospital disinfectant.
The New Silver Solution has been shown to be non-toxic, even at high levels of ingestion (5g/kg body weight).
Another benefit of The New Silver Solution is that it is far less expensive than most prescription drugs.
Read Part 2 to learn more about what diseases and ailments have be tested and proven to have been beaten by using The New Silver Solution.
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